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[03/09/2025 PM] - “God Came Down in Love for Life” - 1 John 4:9-11  /  Series: He Lays Down His Life
First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn

[03/09/2025 PM] - “God Came Down in Love for Life” - 1 John 4:9-11 / Series: He Lays Down His Life

Title: [03/09/2025 PM] - “God Came Down in Love for Life” - 1 John 4:9-11 Speaker: Rev. Harold Miller Series: He Lays Down His Life Date: March 9, 2025 Bible: 1 John 4:9-11; Philippians 2:1-11 After our fellowship meal we will be fed from 1 John 4.9-11 to note well why God came down. Let's make a plan to tell each other of our love for them and to engage in energetic heart-full worship of God in both services ---- March 9, 2025 AFTERNOON WORSHIP SERVICE Organ Prelude to the Worship Service Prayer for God's Blessing Call to Worship *God's Greeting * Opening Hymn: 192 – Unto God Our Savior *Nicene Creed in Unison – page 4 in back of Psalter Hymnal *Hymn of Response: 491 – Gloria Patri Responsive Reading of Philippians 2.1-11 (all, 9-11) Hymn of Response: 376 – O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire Congregational Prayer Offering: Southside Pregnancy Center (Please place your offering in the basket in back of sanctuary) WE HEAR GOD'S WORD *Hymn: 330 – O Jesus, We Adore Thee Responsive Reading of Philippians 2.1-11 (all, 9-11) Scripture Reading: 1 John 4.9-11 Text: 1 John 4.9-11 Sermon: "God Came Down in Love for Life" Prayer of Application *Hymn: 329 – O Love of God, How Strong and True *Benediction *Doxology: 231 – Praise Jehovah, All Ye Nations Organ Postlude *Please Stand if able ----------- 1 John 4.9-11 God Came Down in Love for Life Theme: God sent His Son to make us the accepted in Him 1. The Father sent His Son, in love, for life 2. The Son came down from heaven for our salvation 3. The Son came to bear God's wrath against our sins 4. The Father sent His son, in love for love
OL URC LIVE STREAM  - [03/09/2025 PM] - “God Came Down in Love for Life” - 1 John 4:9-11
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [03/09/2025 PM] - “God Came Down in Love for Life” - 1 John 4:9-11

After our fellowship meal we will be fed from 1 John 4.9-11 to note well why God came down. Let's make a plan to tell each other of our love for them and to engage in energetic heart-full worship of God in both services ---- March 9, 2025 AFTERNOON WORSHIP SERVICE Organ Prelude to the Worship Service Prayer for God’s Blessing Call to Worship *God’s Greeting * Opening Hymn: 192 – Unto God Our Savior *Nicene Creed in Unison – page 4 in back of Psalter Hymnal *Hymn of Response: 491 – Gloria Patri Responsive Reading of Philippians 2.1-11 (all, 9-11) Hymn of Response: 376 – O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart’s Desire Congregational Prayer Offering: Southside Pregnancy Center (Please place your offering in the basket in back of sanctuary) WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 330 – O Jesus, We Adore Thee Responsive Reading of Philippians 2.1-11 (all, 9-11) Scripture Reading: 1 John 4.9-11 Text: 1 John 4.9-11 Sermon: “God Came Down in Love for Life” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 329 – O Love of God, How Strong and True *Benediction *Doxology: 231 – Praise Jehovah, All Ye Nations Organ Postlude *Please Stand if able ----------- 1 John 4.9-11 God Came Down in Love for Life Theme: God sent His Son to make us the accepted in Him 1. The Father sent His Son, in love, for life 2. The Son came down from heaven for our salvation 3. The Son came to bear God’s wrath against our sins 4. The Father sent His son, in love for love
[03/09/2025 AM] - "The Restorer of Our Soul" - Psalm 23
First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn

[03/09/2025 AM] - "The Restorer of Our Soul" - Psalm 23

Title: [03/09/2025 AM] - "The Restorer of Our Soul" - Psalm 23 Speaker: Rev. Harold Miller Date: March 9, 2025 On the Lord's day upcoming we plan to worship the Lord under Word and sacrament. We have been preparing for this day. The morning "Word" will be Psalm 23. We need that Word ------ March 9, 2025 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Organ Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God's Greeting *Hymn: 267 – All Who with Heart Confiding WE CONFESS OUR SINS, GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 44 – Lord, I Lift My Soul to Thee WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: General Fund (Please place your offering in the basket in back of sanctuary) WE HEAR GOD'S WORD *Hymn: 40 – The Lord My Shepherd Holds Me Scripture Reading: Psalm 23 Text: Psalm 23 Message: "The Restorer of Our Souls" Prayer of Application *Hymn: 38 – The Lord's My Shepherd Celebration of the Lord's Supper *Hymn: 39.1-3 My Shepherd Is the Lord *Benediction *Doxology: 39.4, 5 My Shepherd Is the Lord Piano Postlude *Please stand if able -------- Psalm 23 The Restorer of Our Soul Theme: In the midst of the griefs of life our God in Christ restores our soul 1. Our preliminary confidence is in God as Shepherd 2. Every positive line of the Psalm is a God work 3. In our real hardships, we need His restorative work 4. So comfort and peace come as a gift from God
OL URC LIVE STREAM  - [03/02/2025 PM] - “Justified Through Faith Alone: Believe God!” - Romans 4:1-8
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [03/02/2025 PM] - “Justified Through Faith Alone: Believe God!” - Romans 4:1-8

In the evening we are reminded of the great blessing of justification through faith alone from Romans 4.1-8. In different ways, each time of worship around these texts and issues will bless and strengthen us in Jesus. May His ministry continue to richly bless you. ----- MARCH 2, 2025 EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE Organ Prelude to the Worship Service Prayer for God’s Blessing Call to Worship *God’s Greeting * Opening Hymn: 190 – Sing a New Song to Jehovah *Apostles’ Creed in Unison – page 3 in back of Psalter Hymnal *Hymn of Response: 316 – Now Thank We All Our God Responsive Reading of Psalm 144 Hymn of Response: 296.1-4, 7, 8 – Thrice Blest Be Jehovah Congregational Prayer Offering: Reformed Youth Services WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 331 (Red) O What a Wonderful, Wonderful Day Responsive Reading of Psalm 144 Scripture Reading: Romans 4.1-8 Text: Romans 4:1-8 Sermon: “Justified Through Faith Alone: Believe God!” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 55 – How Blest Is He Whose Trespass *Benediction *Doxology: 493 – Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Organ Postlude -------- Romans 4.1-8 Justified Through Faith Alone: Believe God! Theme: God justified ungodly ones through faith alone – believe Him! 1. Abraham’s works did not make him right - believe God 2. Imputed righteousness is what makes us right – believe God 3. That alien righteousness comes through faith alone – believe God!
[03/02/2025 AM] - “Repent for God is Good” - Joel 2:12-14  /  Series: Heidelberg Catechism - Q&A 81
First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn

[03/02/2025 AM] - “Repent for God is Good” - Joel 2:12-14 / Series: Heidelberg Catechism - Q&A 81

Title: [03/02/2025 AM] - “Repent for God is Good” - Joel 2:12-14 Speaker: Rev. Harold Miller Series: Heidelberg Catechism Date: March 2, 2025 Bible: Joel 2:12-14; Joel 2:1-17 On the Lord's day we will have a preparatory sermon in the morning from Joel 2:12-14 and Q/A 81 of the Heidelberg Catechism. Also, your copy of the preparatory devotional will be in your mailbox. ------ MARCH 2, 2025 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Organ Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God's Greeting *Hymn: 314 – Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing WE CONFESS OUR SINS, GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 273 – From Out the Depths I Cry Reading of the Preparatory Form for Communion page 155 WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: Chicago Christian Schools (CCS) WE HEAR GOD'S WORD *Hymn: 94: God, Be Merciful to Me Scripture Reading: Joel 2.1-17 Confessional Reading: Question & Answer 81, page 41 Text: Joel 2:12-14 Message: "Repent for God is Good" Prayer of Application *Hymn: 389 – Not What My Hands Have Done *Benediction *Doxology: 487 – May the Grace of Christ Our Savior *Please stand if able ----- Joel 2.12-14 Repent for God is Good Heidelberg Catechism Question & Answer 81 Theme: Our repentance required for worship is earnest because God is good 1. We begin by admitting we have wandered away 2. Our repentance is an earnest, comprehensive "inner" action 3. We who wandered return to God, knowing that He is good 4. God has worked repentance in us to bless us
OL URC LIVE STREAM  - [03/02/2025 AM] - “Repent for God is Good” - Joel 2:12-14
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [03/02/2025 AM] - “Repent for God is Good” - Joel 2:12-14

On the Lord's day we will have a preparatory sermon in the morning from Joel 2.12-14 and Q/A 81 of the Heidelberg Catechism. Also, your copy of the preparatory devotional will be in your mailbox. ------ MARCH 2, 2025 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Organ Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God’s Greeting *Hymn: 314 – Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing WE CONFESS OUR SINS, GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 273 – From Out the Depths I Cry Reading of the Preparatory Form for Communion page 155 WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: Chicago Christian Schools (CCS) WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 94: God, Be Merciful to Me Scripture Reading: Joel 2.1-17 Confessional Reading: Question & Answer 81, page 41 Text: Joel 2:12-14 Message: “Repent for God is Good” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 389 – Not What My Hands Have Done *Benediction *Doxology: 487 – May the Grace of Christ Our Savior *Please stand if able ----- Joel 2.12-14 Repent for God is Good Heidelberg Catechism Question & Answer 81 Theme: Our repentance required for worship is earnest because God is good 1. We begin by admitting we have wandered away 2. Our repentance is an earnest, comprehensive “inner” action 3. We who wandered return to God, knowing that He is good 4. God has worked repentance in us to bless us
[02/23/2025 PM] - "Lord’s Supper Looks Up: Mass Pulls Down" -  Colossians 3:1-3 / H C Lord's Day 30
First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn

[02/23/2025 PM] - "Lord’s Supper Looks Up: Mass Pulls Down" - Colossians 3:1-3 / H C Lord's Day 30

Title: [02/23/2025 PM] - "Lord’s Supper Looks Up: Mass Pulls Down" Speaker: Rev. Harold Miller Series: Heidelberg Catechism Date: February 23, 2025 Bible: Colossians 3:1-3 Sunday night we will take up Colossians 3.1-3 to guide our understanding of the condemnable idolatry of the Roman Catholic Mass (Heidelberg Catechism Lord's day 30, Q/A 80) and why it is so important to understand that Christ is SEATED on the throne. These are valuable truths to get right and will help us evangelistically with our Roman Catholic neighbors. ----------- EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE Prelude to the Worship Service Prayer for God's Blessing Call to Worship *God's Greeting * Opening Hymn: 194 – Jehovah Reigns in Majesty *Apostles Creed in Unison – page 3 in back of Psalter Hymnal *Hymn of Response: 319 - All Glory Be to Thee, Most High Responsive Reading of Psalm 69.30-36 (all, 34-36) Hymn of Response: 129 – They Lovingkindness, Lord, Is Good and Free Congregational Prayer WE HEAR GOD'S WORD *Hymn: 422 – O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts Responsive Reading of Psalm 69.30-36 (all, 34-36) Scripture Reading: Colossians 3.1-3 Confessional Reading: Heidelberg Catechism Lord's day 30 Text: Colossians 3.1-3 Sermon: "Lord's Supper Looks Up; Mass Pulls Down" Prayer of Application *Hymn: 423 – Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness *Benediction *Doxology: 438.1, 4 – Thy Love to Me, O Christ ---- Colossians 3.1-3 Lord's Supper Looks Up: Mass Pulls Down Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 30 Theme: As we participate biblically in the Lord's supper, we agree with God's Word 1. Is it right to call out error – should Q/A 80 be included? 2. The premise of a biblical Lord's supper is The Finished Work 3. The premise of the Roman Catholic Mass is earning favor 4. We commune with Christ who is seated in glory
OL URC LIVE STREAM  - [02/23/2025 PM] - Lord’s Supper Looks Up: Mass Pulls Down
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [02/23/2025 PM] - Lord’s Supper Looks Up: Mass Pulls Down

Sunday night we will take up Colossians 3.1-3 to guide our understanding of the condemnable idolatry of the Roman Catholic Mass (Heidelberg Catechism Lord's day 30, Q/A 80) and why it is so important to understand that Christ is SEATED on the throne. These are valuable truths to get right and will help us evangelistically with our Roman Catholic neighbors. ----------- EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE Prelude to the Worship Service Prayer for God’s Blessing Call to Worship *God’s Greeting * Opening Hymn: 194 – Jehovah Reigns in Majesty *Apostles Creed in Unison – page 3 in back of Psalter Hymnal *Hymn of Response: 319 - All Glory Be to Thee, Most High Responsive Reading of Psalm 69.30-36 (all, 34-36) Hymn of Response: 129 – They Lovingkindness, Lord, Is Good and Free Congregational Prayer WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 422 – O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts Responsive Reading of Psalm 69.30-36 (all, 34-36) Scripture Reading: Colossians 3.1-3 Confessional Reading: Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s day 30 Text: Colossians 3.1-3 Sermon: “Lord’s Supper Looks Up; Mass Pulls Down” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 423 – Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness *Benediction *Doxology: 438.1, 4 – Thy Love to Me, O Christ ---- Colossians 3.1-3 Lord’s Supper Looks Up: Mass Pulls Down Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 30 Theme: As we participate biblically in the Lord’s supper, we agree with God’s Word 1. Is it right to call out error – should Q/A 80 be included? 2. The premise of a biblical Lord’s supper is The Finished Work 3. The premise of the Roman Catholic Mass is earning favor 4. We commune with Christ who is seated in glory
[02/23/2025 AM] - “Early Church: In Awe of His News” - Mark 16:1-8  /  Series: The Gospel of Mark
First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn

[02/23/2025 AM] - “Early Church: In Awe of His News” - Mark 16:1-8 / Series: The Gospel of Mark

Title: [02/23/2025 AM] - “Early Church: In Awe of His News” - Mark 16:1-8 Speaker: Rev. Harold Miller Series: The Gospel of Mark Date: February 23, 2025 Bible: Mark 16:1-8 As we gather on the Lord's Day we will begin the final chapter of the book of Mark. Didn't we just start our series though Mark? Haha. Seriously, this last chapter - all of it - has amazing encouragement and some challenges for us. It will be interesting! Sunday morning we take up Mark 16.1-8 to see how Christians act when faced with the amazing revelation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. ---------- FEBRUARY 23, 2025 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Piano Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God's Greeting *Hymn: 224 – Praise God, Ye Servants of the Lord WE CONFESS OUR SINS; GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 361 – Praise the Savior WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: General Fund of 1st Oak Lawn URC WE HEAR GOD'S WORD *Hymn: 360 – Alleluia! Alleluia! Scripture Reading: Mark 16.1-8 Text: Mark 16.1-8 Message: "Early Church: In Awe of His News" Prayer of Application *Hymn: 412 – I Love to Tell the Story *Benediction *Doxology: 488 – Now Blessed Be Jehovah God Piano Postlude *Please stand if able ---------- Mark 16.1-8 Early Church: In Awe of His News Theme: We see here Christians acting like we do – in awe of the message of new life! 1. The women went to the tomb out of reverent love 2. They had not treasured up what Jesus had said until the angelic reminder 3. Mark's source, Peter, makes a cameo appearance focused on forgiveness 4. The pronouncement of new life produces profound fear – is this us?
OL URC LIVE STREAM  - [02/23/2025 AM] - “Early Church: In Awe of His News”
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [02/23/2025 AM] - “Early Church: In Awe of His News”

As we gather on the Lord's Day we will begin the final chapter of the book of Mark. Didn't we just start our series though Mark? Haha. Seriously, this last chapter - all of it - has amazing encouragement and some challenges for us. It will be interesting! Sunday morning we take up Mark 16.1-8 to see how Christians act when faced with the amazing revelation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. ---------- FEBRUARY 23, 2025 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Piano Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God’s Greeting *Hymn: 224 – Praise God, Ye Servants of the Lord WE CONFESS OUR SINS; GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 361 – Praise the Savior WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: General Fund of 1st Oak Lawn URC WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 360 – Alleluia! Alleluia! Scripture Reading: Mark 16.1-8 Text: Mark 16.1-8 Message: “Early Church: In Awe of His News” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 412 – I Love to Tell the Story *Benediction *Doxology: 488 – Now Blessed Be Jehovah God Piano Postlude *Please stand if able ---------- Mark 16.1-8 Early Church: In Awe of His News Theme: We see here Christians acting like we do – in awe of the message of new life! 1. The women went to the tomb out of reverent love 2. They had not treasured up what Jesus had said until the angelic reminder 3. Mark’s source, Peter, makes a cameo appearance focused on forgiveness 4. The pronouncement of new life produces profound fear – is this us?
[02/16/2025 AM] - “Joseph’s Boldness for Jesus’ Burial” - Mark 15:42-47 / Series: The Gospel of Mark
First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn

[02/16/2025 AM] - “Joseph’s Boldness for Jesus’ Burial” - Mark 15:42-47 / Series: The Gospel of Mark

Title: [02/16/2025 AM] - “Joseph’s Boldness for Jesus’ Burial” - Mark 15:42-47 Speaker: Rev. Harold Miller Series: The Gospel of Mark Date: February 16, 2025 Bible: Mark 15:42-47 Let's also look forward with delight and expectation to the Lord's day upcoming. In the morning we will continue with Mark 15. 42-47 looking at 'Joseph's Boldness for Jesus' Burial'. There are wonderful and important truths to be gleaned from this text. Pray with me that the Lord will richly bless us from His Word here. ---------- FEBRUARY 16, 2025 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Piano Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God's Greeting *Hymn: 118 – All Lands, to God in Joyful Sounds WE CONFESS OUR SINS; GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 140 - O God, How Good Thou Art WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: United Reformed Classis "Church Assistance Fund" WE HEAR GOD'S WORD *Hymn: 116.1-3 – Forth from Thy Courts Scripture Reading: Mark 15:42-47 Text: Mark 15.42-47 Message: "Joseph's Boldness for Jesus' Burial" Prayer of Application *Hymn: 457 – Lord Jesus, Can It Ever Be? Blue Psalter Hymnal *Benediction *Doxology: 463.1, 4 – He leadeth Me Piano Postlude *Please stand if able -------- Mark 15.42-47 Joseph's Boldness for Jesus' Burial Theme: The Lord brings forward His servant for 'such a time as this' 1. Sometimes regeneration happens behind closed doors 2. But evening is approaching 3. Josephus with the witness of the Centurion, professes faith in Christ 4. One of the Lord's rich men spends a sum for the glory of the Lord
OL URC LIVE STREAM  - [02/16/2025 AM] -   “Joseph’s Boldness for Jesus’ Burial” - Mark 15:42-47
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [02/16/2025 AM] - “Joseph’s Boldness for Jesus’ Burial” - Mark 15:42-47

Let's also look forward with delight and expectation to the Lord's day upcoming. In the morning we will continue with Mark 15. 42-47 looking at 'Joseph's Boldness for Jesus' Burial'. There are wonderful and important truths to be gleaned from this text. Pray with me that the Lord will richly bless us from His Word here. ---------- FEBRUARY 16, 2025 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Piano Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God’s Greeting *Hymn: 118 – All Lands, to God in Joyful Sounds WE CONFESS OUR SINS; GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 140 - O God, How Good Thou Art WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: United Reformed Classis “Church Assistance Fund” (Please place your offering in the basket in back of sanctuary) WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 116.1-3 – Forth from Thy Courts Scripture Reading: Mark 15.42-47 Text: Mark 15.42-47 Message: “Joseph’s Boldness for Jesus’ Burial” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 457 – Lord Jesus, Can It Ever Be? Blue Psalter Hymnal *Benediction *Doxology: 463.1, 4 – He leadeth Me Piano Postlude *Please stand if able -------- Mark 15.42-47 Joseph’s Boldness for Jesus’ Burial Theme: The Lord brings forward His servant for ‘such a time as this’ 1. Sometimes regeneration happens behind closed doors 2. But evening is approaching 3. Josephus with the witness of the centurion, professes faith in Christ 4. One of the Lord’s rich men spends a sum for the glory of the Lord
OL URC LIVE STREAM - [01/26/2025 PM] - “The Command to Experiential Communion”
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [01/26/2025 PM] - “The Command to Experiential Communion”

The evening sermon will be 1 Corinthians 11.17-34 with help from Heidelberg Catechism Lord's day 28 & 29. Do you know what it is to practice "experiential communion"? Does our Lord's supper practice (activity) matter? Why was the Apostle Paul so angry with the Christians in Corinth? These vital matters will have our full attention Sunday night.. ------------ JANUARY 26, 2025 EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE Piano Prelude to the Worship Service Prayer for God’s Blessing Call to Worship *God’s Greeting * Opening Hymn: 84 – God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength Apostles Creed in Unison - page 3 in back of Psalter Hymnal Hymn of Response: 443 – Faith of Our Fathers Responsive Reading of Psalm 34.1-10 Hymn of Response: 58 – The Lord I Will at All Times Bless Congregational Prayer WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 422 – O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Confessional Reading: Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s days 28, 29 Text: 1 Corinthians 11.17-34 Sermon: “The Command to Experiential Communion” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 138 – In Sweet Communion, Lord, with Thee *Benediction *Doxology: 425 – Jesus, Lover of My Soul Piano Postlude ------------- 1 Corinthians 11.17-34 The Command to Experiential Communion Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s days 28 & 29 Theme: The command to eat and drink at His table is testimony and spiritual enrichment What Christ has provided He also commands that we take in Our ingesting reminds us of all He has done for us Our ingesting nourishes us for eternal life That which we see we must taste to “see” that He is good!
OL URC LIVE STREAM - [01/26/2025 AM] - “Witnesses of His Death” - Mark 15:35-41
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [01/26/2025 AM] - “Witnesses of His Death” - Mark 15:35-41

In the morning we continue in Mark 15.35-41 and discover that God has appointed witnesses of the death of His Son. Those witnesses teach us several important truths about Christ's sacrificial work, and those truths help us grasp better the "so great" salvation He has accomplished for us. We need these things: Come ready for spiritual food! ------------ JANUARY 26, 2025 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Piano Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God’s Greeting *Hymn: 89 – Within Thy Temple, Lord WE CONFESS OUR SINS, GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Will of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 114 – Praise Waits for Thee in Zion WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 353 – Beneath the Cross of Jesus Scripture Reading: Mark 15:35-41 Text: Mark 15:35-41 Message: “Witnesses of His Death” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 350 – When I Survey the Wondrous Cross *Benediction: *Doxology: 325 – Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing Piano Postlude *Please stand if able ------------ Mark 15.35-41 Witnesses of His Death Theme: God ordained that many witnessed and can testify to the death of the Savior 1. The prophets witness to His satisfactory death 2. The structure of old covenant worship testifies to worth of His death 3. A Roman official testifies to the character of the satisfaction 4. A host of women witnessed and could testify to His ministry
OL URC LIVE STREAM - [01/19/2025 PM] - "Baptism: Washed with Christ’s Blood and Spirit"
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [01/19/2025 PM] - "Baptism: Washed with Christ’s Blood and Spirit"

January 19, 2025 EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE Piano Prelude to the Worship Service Prayer for God’s Blessing Call to Worship *God’s Greeting * Opening Hymn: 267 – All Who with Heart Confiding *Apostles Creed in Unison – page 3 in back of Psalter Hymnal *Hymn of Response: 313.3, 4 – We Praise Thee, O God Responsive Reading of Matthew 28.16-20 Hymn of Response: (Red) 226 – We Bless the Name of Christ the Lord Congregational Prayer Offering: Luke Society WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 169.1-5 – My Song Forever Shall Record Responsive Reading of Matthew 28.16-20 Scripture Reading: Romans 6.1-14 Confessional Reading: Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s days 26 and 27 Text: Romans 6.1-14 Sermon: “Baptism: Washed with Christ’s Blood and Spirit” Prayer of Application ---------- *Hymn: 169.6-9 – My Song Forever Shall Record *Benediction *Doxology: 487 – May the Grace of Christ Our Savior Piano Postlude *Please Stand if able ------------- Romans 6.1-14 Baptism: Washed with Christ’s Blood and Spirit Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s days 26 & 27 Theme: We profess that baptism is the sign of both forgiveness and cleansing 1. I will say that I have been crucified with Christ, buried with Him through baptism 2. My sins are forgiven, I am clean by His washing 3. I will say that I have been raised from the dead with Christ 4. My life is offered to God for righteousness
OL URC LIVE STREAM - [01/19/2025 AM] - "Desertion" - Mark 15:33, 34
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [01/19/2025 AM] - "Desertion" - Mark 15:33, 34

The morning of the Lord's day brings us to that very deep text of Mark 15.33, 34. As I said last Sunday, this text is almost un-preach-able. What I mean is it is incredibly hard for mere humans (like me) to fully grasp what is going on when Jesus speaks those words - but then to also preach well on that text....please be in prayer. ------------ January 19, 2025 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Piano Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God’s Greeting *Hymn: 186 – Sing to the Lord, the Rock of Our Salvation WE CONFESS OUR SINS, GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 94 – God, Be Merciful to Me WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: General Fund and Divine Hope Reformed Seminary Classes in Indiana Prisons WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 355 – O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Scripture Reading: Mark 15.33, 34 Text: Mark 15.33, 34 Message: “Desertion” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 381 – Man of Sorrows, What a Name *Benediction *Doxology: 389.2, 3 – Not What My Hands Have Done Piano Postlude *Please stand if able ------------ Mark 15.33, 34 Desertion Theme: We glean what we are able from the impenetrable depths of His desertion on the cross 1. At Bethlehem God tasked a star – at Golgotha, darkness 2. The Psalm is only fulfilled by this Man at this moment 3. To boldly go where no one else could ever possibly go
OL URC LIVE STREAM - [01/12/2025 AM] - “Our Need This New Year” - Psalm 15
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [01/12/2025 AM] - “Our Need This New Year” - Psalm 15

This Sunday morning we will come to Psalm 15, that significant Psalm which sets before us the holiness of the Christian from the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ by His Word and Spirit. Every officer and each Christian can learn and grow and glory in Jesus Christ all the more from Psalm 15 --------- January 12, 2025 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Organ Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God’s Greeting *Hymn: 14 – Whole-hearted Thanksgiving to Thee I Will Bring WE CONFESS OUR SINS, GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 353 – Beneath the Cross of Jesus WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: General Fund Of Oak Lawn URC Church (Please place your offering in the basket in back of sanctuary) WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 20 – Who, O Lord, with Thee Abiding Scripture Reading: Psalm 15 Text: Psalm 15 Message: “Our Need This New Year” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 318 – Holy, Holy, Holy *Benediction *Doxology: 493 – Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Fl Organ Postlude *Please stand if able -------------- Psalm 15 Our Need This New Year Theme: The Lord declares that living with Him requires a comprehensive holiness 1. By grace we ask; by grace we get an answer 2. The answer includes the warning about a ‘mere profession’ 3. The answer addresses the common issues of life 4. The answer mandates we show our profession
OL URC LIVE STREAM - [12/29/2024 PM] - “Earthly Warfare; Spiritual Realities”
OL URC LIVE STREAM - [12/29/2024 AM] - “Earthly Worship; Spiritual Warfare”
Oak Lawn United Reformed Church

OL URC LIVE STREAM - [12/29/2024 AM] - “Earthly Worship; Spiritual Warfare”

The morning and evening sermons will be from Matthew 2 and Revelation 12, taking in the theme of the protection of the newborn Babe, our Savior along with the protection needed by the church militant in our day. Let's rejoice together about our safety in Christ. --------- December 29, 2024 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Organ Prelude to the Worship Service Silent Prayer Call to Worship *God’s Greeting *Hymn: 135 – Christ Shall Have Dominion WE CONFESS OUR SINS, GOD RESTORES US Reading of the Law of God Confession and Assurance Hymn of Response: 78 – Judge Me, God of My Salvation WE THANK GOD WITH OUR PRAYERS AND GIFTS Congregational Prayer Offering: General Fund and Reformed Mission Services Work in Ukraine (Please place your offering in the basket in back of sanctuary) WE HEAR GOD’S WORD *Hymn: 116 (Red) We Three Kings of Orient Are Scripture Reading: Matthew 2.1-12; Revelation 12 Text: Matthew 2.1-12 Message: “Earthly Worship; Spiritual Warfare” Prayer of Application *Hymn: 123 (Red) Who Is He in Yonder Stall? *Benediction *Doxology: 165 (Red) Rejoice, the Lord is King Organ Postlude *Please stand if able ------------- Matthew 2.1-12 "Earthly Worship; Spiritual Warfare" Revelation 12 Theme: The Lord parades worshipers of His Gift right under the enemy’s nose 1. The Lord controls nature to draw the worshipers, 1-2 2. The Lord causes the enemy to be repulsed in terror, 3-8 3. The Lord creates the perfect setting for thankful worship, 9-12
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